Sunday, March 17, 2013

An odd little discovery

Though most of the world may look warily at North Korea, my friends back home are often surprised to hear that most people here in Korea are not particularly concerned about their Northern neighbor.  Having lived here a while, I've picked up on the vibe of my Korean counterparts and have also adapted to a sense of nonchalance in regards to North Korea.  In doing so, I've realized I've taken for granted the violent past the two nations have shared and the delicate balance they possess in the present.  I was reminded of this past today as I was hiking a new trail near my house where I came across not one, but five different concrete bunkers!  Most of them are small alcoves in the mountainside where soldiers might have sought cover in the previous war.  Since then, they've become overgrown and ignored.  That didn't stop me from snapping a few pictures though!

This is the first bunker I noticed, I almost didn't see it!

I wasn't able to explore inside these bunkers, for lack of a flashlight on hand, but that doesn't mean I won't!

These bunkers fill me with questions more than anything.  The mountain they're place on is overgrown in trees and one would be hard pressed to see anything from their little windows.  Though, if the forest were cleared away, I'm sure one could look down on the city of Hongcheon from most of these bunkers.  It makes me wonder when they were built, who manned them?  Did they ever see any use in combat?

I find these relics to be somewhat strange, solemn reminders that there is much about this country I don't know about.  A violent history that may not be as long past as I imagine....

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