Tuesday, February 5, 2013

There and back again... winter vacation part 1

Back in the saddle, in school, in the snow... not precisely where I'd like to be, considering it was barely a week ago that I was lounging on the beach of a breathtaking Thai island paradise.  I have finally made my way back to Seoseok Middle School to return to my duties as an educator, planning for the upcoming semester (though I will not see the new textbooks until the students receive them... fancy that).  As I find my time plentiful at this desk I have to take the moment to finally overcome my lethargy and reflect on my experiences abroad in Hong Kong and Thailand this past January.

My journey took place over the second and third weeks of the month of January.  Taking me from Seoul, South Korea, to Shanghai.  In Shanghai, I met up with a group of friends from the Korean city of Busan, fellow teachers and eager refugees from the winter winds.  Overjoyed to enter their company we formed our party of six and went on to Hong Kong.  There we met another companion, a friend of my friend Paul, who came all the way from Hamburg, Germany to share in our adventures.

And adventures they were...

Sadly, our excursion to Hong Kong only lasted a few days.  We managed to meet up with friends, see some sights, and enjoy the night life of this incredible city.  I look forward to expounding on my experience here, but let it be said simply: Hong Kong is probably one of my new favorite cities.  Beautiful architecture, breathtaking gardens, and foreigner friendly.  Hong Kong is fantastic, and I would eagerly return, but only for a longer stay.

Leaving Hong Kong by plane landed us back in Shanghai for a few hours (in spite of Thailand being closer to Hong Kong than Shanghai, for some reason it's cheaper to go one step back rather than directly to our next destination), from snowy Shanghai we flew to Bangkok, Thailand.

There are so many ways Thailand can be described... "Disneyland for adults," "Crazy," "Wild," "Beautiful," "Shady."  Thailand is an incredible location with lots to offer tourists of all shapes and colors.  Thailand has some of the most breathtaking scenery of any country I've visited.  Not only are its landscapes incredible, but it also possesses fascinating temples and palaces that every travelers simply must see.  Thailand is also incredibly Westerner friendly, and even the most rural shopkeeper knows enough English to easily get you anything you might need.  Yet, Thailand isn't all sunshine and smiles.  It's has plenty of poverty and grit.  Not only that, but after a week and a half in the country I was thoroughly sick of being accosted by shopkeepers ever few steps trying to sell me anything under the sun.  A man can only buy so many cheap t-shirts!  But Thailand was a precious time in the tropics to swim, dance, and simply sit by the beach.  After the first bitter half of winter, it was wonderful to wear shorts again!  Though I must say, a week's worth of wearing flip flops all the time takes its toll (I'm still waiting for all the scraps and scabs to heal!)  Thailand is a one of a kind experience.  I have never encountered someone who has been there and not emerged with a plethora of stories to share!

Thailand was an incredible break from my sleepy little Korean town.  However, when the time came, it was good to leave.  Having an extra week of vacation to my name (thanks to the Gangwon Provincial Office of Education) I spent some time in both Busan and Seoul, South Korea.  However, my limited supply of clothing finally ran out and I was forced to head back to Hongcheon to do load after load of laundry.  A sleepy end to a wild adventure, but well worth it in my opinion.

More on this adventure will emerge as I finish sorting through the many pictures I was able to take while out and about.  But for now, it's simply enough to say I'm back in Korea, and doing my best to ignore the six inches of snow littering the streets of my town.  It's times like this that I feel spring can't come soon enough!

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